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  • Bakht S, Qi XQ*. 2005. Ligation mediated rolling-circular amplification (RCA) based approaches to SNP detection. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 5: 111-116   [下载]
  • Xu J, Zhang HY, Xie CH, Xue HW, Dijkhuis P, Liu CM*. 2005. EMBRYONIC FACTOR 1 encodes an AMP deaminase and is essential for the zygote to embryo transition in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 42: 743-758   [下载]
  • Fiers M., Golemiec E, Xu J, van der Geest L, Heidstra R., Stiekema W, Liu CM*. 2005. The 14-Amino acid CLV3, CLE19 and CLE40 peptides trigger consumption of the root meristem in Arabidopsis through a CLAVATA2-dependent pathway. Plant Cell, 17: 2542-2553   [下载]
  • Smets R#, Le J#, Prinsen E, Verbelen JP, Van Onckelen HA*. 2005. Cytokinin-induced hypocotyl elongation in light-grown Arabidopsis plants with inhibited ethylene action or indole-3-acetic acid transport. Planta, 221: 39-47   [下载]
  • Le J, Vandenbussche F, De Cnodder T, Van Der Straeten D, Verbelen JP*. 2005. Cell elongation and microtubule behaviour in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl: responses to ethylene and auxin. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 24: 166-178   [下载]
  • Basu D#, Le J#, El-Essal S, Huang S, Zhang C, Mallery E, Koliantz G, Staiger C, Szymanski D*. 2005. DISTORTED3/SCAR2 is a putative Arabidopsis WAVE complex subunit that activates Arp2/3 and is required for epidermal morphogenesis. Plant Cell, 17: 502-524   [下载]
  • Narasimhan ML, Coca A, Jin JB, Yamauchi T, Ito Y, Kadowaki T, Kim KK, Pardo JM, Damsz B, Hasegawa PM, Yun DJ, Bressan RA*. 2005. Osmotin is a homolog of mammalian adiponectin and controls apoptosis in yeast through a homolog of mammalian adiponectin receptor. Molecular Cell, 17: 171-180   [下载]
  • Miura K, Rus A, Sharkhuu A, Yokoi S, Karthikeyan AS, Raghothama KG, Baek D, Koo YD, Jin JB, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Hasegawa PM*. 2005. The Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 controls phosphate deficiency responses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102: 7760-7765   [下载]
  • Kang CH, Jung WY, Kang YH, Kim JY, Kim DG, Jeong JC, Baek DW, Jin JB, Chung WS, Mengiste T, Koiwa H, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Nam JS, Yun DJ, Cho MJ*. 2005. AtBAG6, a novel calmodulin-binding protein, induces programmed cell death in yeast and plants. Cell Death and Differentiation, 13: 84-95   [下载]
  • Huang SJ, Robinson RC, Gao LY, Matsumoto T, Brunet A, Blanchoin L, Staiger CJ*. 2005. Arabidopsis VILLIN1 generates actin filament cables that are resistant to depolymerization. Plant Cell, 17: 486-501   [下载]
  • Michelot A, Guerin C, Huang SJ, Ingouff M, Richard S, Rodiuc N, Staiger CJ, Blanchoin L*. 2005. The formin homology 1 domain modulates the nucleation and bundling activity of Arabidopsis FORMIN1. Plant Cell, 17: 2296-2313   [下载]
  • Basu D, Le J, El-Essal Sel-D, Huang SJ, Zhang C, Mallery EL, Koliantz G, Staiger CJ, Szymanski DB*. 2005. DISTORTED3/SCAR2 is aputative arabidopsis WAVE complex subunit that activates Arp2/3 complex and is required for epidermal morphogenesis. Plant Cell, 17: 502-524   [下载]
  • Xu CH, Huang SJ, Yuan M*. 2005. Dimethyl sulfoxide is feasible for plant tubulin assembly in vitro: A comprehensive analysis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47: 457-466   [下载]
  • Dai X, Hayashi K, Nozaki H, Cheng YF, Zhao YD*. 2005. Genetic and chemical analysis of the action mechanism of sirtinol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102: 3129-3134   [下载]
  • Li G, Meng Z, Kong H, Chen Z, Theissen G and Lu A. 2005. Characterization of candidate class A, B and E floral homeotic genes from the perianthless basal angiosperm Chloranthus spicatus (Chloranthaceae). Development Genes and Evolution, 215: 437-449   [下载]
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