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- Han B, Chen S, Dai SJ, Yang N, Wang T*. 2010. Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantificationbased Comparative Proteomics Reveals the Features of Plasma Membrane-Associated Proteomes of Pollen Grains and Pollen Tubes from Lilium davidii. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52 : 1043–1058 [下载]
- Li XJ, Yang MF, Chen H, Qu LQ, Chen F, Shen SH*. 2010. Abscisic acid pretreatment enhances salt tolerance of rice seedlings: Proteomic evidence. BBA Protein Proteom, 1804: 929-940 [下载]
- Liu WX, Liu HL, Chai ZJ, Xu XP, Song YR, Qu LQ*. 2010. Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 5'-UTR in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121: 1267-1274 [下载]
- Wu XD, Qi XQ*. 2010. Genes encoding hub and bottleneck enzymes of the Arabidopsis metabolic network preferentially retain homeologs through whole genome duplication. BMC evolutionary biology, 10: 145 [下载]
- Wang LJ, Wang YJ, Wang Z, Marcel TC, Niks RE, Qi XQ*. 2010. The phenotypic expression of QTLs for partial resistance to barley leaf rust during plant development. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121: 857-864 [下载]
- Li SP, van Os GMA, Ren SC, Yu DL, Ketelaar T, Emons AM, Liu CM*. 2010. Expression and functional analyses of EXO70 genes in Arabidopsis implicate their roles in regulating cell type-specific exocytosis. Plant Physiology, 154: 1819-1830 [下载]
- Zhang Y, Liu CM, Emons AM, Ketelaar T*. 2010. The plant exocyst. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52: 138-146 [下载]
- Song XF, Guo P, Li CY, Liu CM*. 2010. The cysteine pairs in CLV2 are not necessary for sensing the CLV3 peptide in shoot and root meristems. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52: 774-781 [下载]
- Wang T, Uauy C, Till B, Liu CM*. 2010. TILLING and associated technologies. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52: 1027-1030 [下载]
- Zhou W, Wei L, Xu J, Zhai QZ, Jiang HL, Chen R, Chen Q, Sun JQ, Chu JF, Zhu LH, Liu CM, Li CY*. 2010. Arabidopsis tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase acts in the Auxin/PLETHORA pathway in regulating postembryonic maintenance of the root stem cell niche. Plant Cell, 22: 3692-3709 [下载]
- Zhu YF, Wang YQ, Li RL, Song XF, Wang QL, Huang SJ, Jin JB, Liu CM, Lin JX*. 2010. Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORYNE in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 61: 223-233 [下载]
- Liu QL, Zhao YY, Wan YL, Zheng JP, Zhang XJ, Wang CR, Fang XH, Lin JX*. 2010. Study of the inhibitory effect of water-soluble fullerenes on plant growth at the cellular level. ACS NANO, 4: 5743-5748 [下载]
- Fan PX, Wang XC, Kuang TY, Li YX*. 2009. An efficient method for the extraction of chloroplast proteins compatible for 2-DE and MS analysis. Electrophoresis, 30: 3024-3033 [下载]
- Chang CS, Wang BL, Shi L, Li YX, Duo L, Zhang WH*. 2010. Alleviation of salt stress-induced inhibition of seed germination in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by ethylene and glutamate. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167: 1152-1156 [下载]
- Wang BL, Shi L, Li YX, Zhang WH*. 2010. Boron toxicity is alleviated by hydrogen sulfide in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Planta, 231: 1301-1309 [下载]