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田丽宏     副研究员



联系方式:010-62836660 E-mail:tianlihong@ibcas.ac.cn
  • 研究方向
Qian DD, Xiong S, Li M, Tian LHQu LQ*. 2021. OsFes1C, a potential nucleotide exchange factor for OsBiP1, is involved in the ER and salt stress responses. Plant Physiology,  187: 396-408
Zhang D, Yang HF, Wang XC, Qiu YJ, Tian LH, Qi XQ, Qu LQ*. 2020. Cytochrome P450 family member CYP96B5 hydroxylates alkanes to primary alcohols and is involved in rice leaf cuticular wax synthesis. New Phytologist, 225: 2094-2107 

Tian LH, Xing YP, Fukuda M, Li R, Kumamaru T, Qian DD, Dong XB, Qu LQ*. 2018.  A conserved motif is essential for the correct assembly of proglutelins and for their export from the endoplasmic reticulum in rice endosperm. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69: 5029-5043

Qian DD, Chen GQ, Tian LHQu LQ*. 2018. OsDER1 is an ER-associated protein degradation factor that responds to ER stress. Plant Physiology, 178: 402-412

Wang XC, Guan YY, Zhang D, Dong XB, Tian LHQu LQ*. 2017. A β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase is involved in rice leaf cuticular wax synthesis and requires a CER2-LIKE protein as a cofactor. Plant Physiology, 173: 944-955

Dong XB, Zhang D, Liu J, Liu QQ, Liu HL, Tian LH, Jiang L, Qu LQ*. 2015. Plastidial disproportionating enzyme participates in starch synthesis in rice endosperm by transferring maltooligosyl groups from amylose and amylopectin to amylopectin. Plant Physiology, 169: 2496-2512

Qian DD, Tian LHQu LQ*. 2015. Proteomic analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in rice seeds. Scientific Reports, 5: 14255

Xu XP, Liu H, Tian LH, Dong XB, Shen SH, Qu LQ*. 2015. Integrated and comparative proteomics of high-oil and high-protein soybean seeds. Food Chemistry, 172: 105-116

Yin ZJ, Liu HL, Dong XB, Tian LH, Xiao L, Xu YN, Qu LQ*. 2014. Increasing α-linolenic acid content in rice bran by embryo-specific expression of ω-3/Δ15-desaturase gene. Molecular Breeding, 33: 987-996

Tian LH, Dai LL, Yin ZJ, Fukuda M, Kumamaru T, Dong XB, Xu XP, Qu LQ*. 2013. Small GTPase Sar1 is crucial for proglutelin and {alpha}-globulin export from the endoplasmic reticulum in rice endosperm. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64: 2831-2845

Tian LH, Zhang L, Zhang J, Song Y, Guo Y*. 2009. Differential proteomic analysis of soluble extracellular proteins reveals the cysteine protease and cystatin involved in suspension-cultured cell proliferation in rice. BBA - Proteins & Proteomics, 1749: 459-467

Zhang L#Tian LH#, Zhao JF, Song Y, Zhang C, Guo Y*. 2009. Identification of an apoplastic protein involved in the initial phase of salt stress response in rice root by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Plant Physiology, 149: 916-928 (Co-first authors) 
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